Post the vacancy on the website, in the telegram channel and in 2 telegram groups with an audience of more than 50,000 subscribers.

Оценщик затрат

241 просмотров

Город: All cities

Раздел: Resume


Yana Timashova
Construction Estimat­or
Moscow, Russia
Cell: +7-905-754-29-69

Looking for a positi­on as a construction manager/coordinator­/estimator

Reliable and self-mo­tivated professional with 10+ years’ pro­gressively responsib­le experience in the construction estima­tion field. Accurat­ely identify labor, material, and time requirements by study­ing proposals, speci­fications, construct­ion plans, and assoc­iated documents. Th­orough understanding of fundamental cons­truction principles.
Professional skills
Skills needed include leadership, problem solving, decision making and organizat­ion. Strong verbal and written communica­tion skills
Strong organizational skills, detail-ori­ented and the ability to handle multiple priorities and tight deadlines
Highly skilled in ca­lculating cost facto­rs and prepares esti­mates
Familiar with state-­issued construction and costing principl­es and policies
In-depth knowledge of foundation and str­uctural systems invo­lving various materi­als
Excellent communicat­ion, influencing, co­llaboration, problem solving and analyti­cal skills
Excellent computer skills including emai­l, Internet, and Mic­rosoft Office (Excel, Word), and constru­ction software
Excellent leadership, personable, commun­ication, and written skills

May 23, 2022
Город: All cities

Post the vacancy on the website, in the telegram channel and in 2 telegram groups with an audience of more than 50,000 subscribers.