Post the vacancy on the website, in the telegram channel and in 2 telegram groups with an audience of more than 50,000 subscribers.

Ассистент-помощник в семью

606 просмотров

Город: Pafos

Раздел: Full time


😎Role: Family Support Assistant
🌅Location: Paphos, Cyprus
Employer: International Fast-Growing Developer (details on interview)🖥
💶Compensation: Individual plan up to 2100 Euro (details on interview)

❗️Key responsibilities:
– Administrative support of the managing partner’s wife, who is actively involved in the life of the company and other family members of the managing partner (children living abroad and in the Russian Federation);
– Preparing documents in Russian and English;
– Selection and communication with companies (manufacture of corporate clothing, marketing materials, etc);
– Control of the schedule and instructions of the head;
– Search and analysis of information, purchasing materials in different countries;
– Travel support for the head and his family: visas, flight-pass, COVID documents, hotels, transfers, etc;
– Helping the head and his family members with the preparation of different events;
– Coordinating drivers;
– Searching of the necessary information in the Internet;
– Helping with selection, purchasing, delivery of gifts for partners;
– Work in tandem with a second assistant, be ready to replace each other during illness/vacation;
– Execution of other orders.

‼️Key requirements:
– Language minimal requirements: Upper Intermediate English, Fluent Russian;
– Knowledge of Greek is an advantage;
– Сitizenship of one of the EU countries or a work permit in Cyprus is an advantage;
– Relevant work experience;
– Readiness to be in touch during non-working hours, including weekends (duty schedule 1/1 with a second assistant);
– Experience as a personal assistant is a big advantage;
– Good knowledge of MS Office;
– Interpersonal communication skills: proactivity, benevolence, empathy, responsibility for the result;
– The desire to grow and develop in project management.

✅ Send CV in private messages also questions


May 13, 2022
Город: Pafos

Post the vacancy on the website, in the telegram channel and in 2 telegram groups with an audience of more than 50,000 subscribers.